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Selling Your Connecticut House Before Foreclosure

Facing potential foreclosure on your Connecticut home creates immense stress and uncertainty. The situation can feel dire between mounting financial strains, constant lender calls, damaged credit, possibly losing your house, or even homelessness. However, even after foreclosure proceedings commence, some alternatives can be lifesavers. One such solution is to sell your property before foreclosure. This guide covers everything required to sell a Connecticut home before foreclosure.

Understanding Connecticut’s Foreclosure Process 

Before weighing all your options, you need clarity on how Connecticut’s foreclosure process functions and typical timelines. The state uses judicial foreclosures, meaning the court system oversees cases. We have listed the process below with the standard steps the lender takes after mortgage nonpayment.

Payment Default 

You will be issued a notice informing you of the missed payment after the two-week grace period. After missing two mortgage payments, your lender issues a demand notice. The demand notice is a serious issue and should not be ignored. But there is still time to arrange an agreement with the lender.

Notice of Default 

If there is no resolution within 90 days, you will receive this document immediately, calling the outstanding loan amount due. You will usually receive up to 90 days to make the whole payment.

Complaint Filing 

The lender petitions the court to commence foreclosure proceedings against you and the property. If you fail to respond to the complaint within the required timeframe, the presiding judge enables the lender to proceed with a foreclosure auction.  


A public foreclosure auction occurs no sooner than 30 days following the judgment. Once the sale date is established, you must either redeem the property or have your legal right to the property taken away. The previous homeowners must vacate the property, and the legal title is transferred once it is auctioned.

While this defines the standard progression, the exact duration can vary from situation to situation. On average, completing Connecticut’s foreclosure process spans approximately nine months following the initial complaint filing.

Alternatives to Foreclosure in Connecticut   

Scrutinize all options to let you retain ownership before you sell. There are some excellent alternatives to foreclosure, which we have listed below.

Loan Modification 

Your lender refinances the loan by extending the repayment period. They lower the interest rate or make other adjustments to make the monthly payments more affordable. You can then start making the payment again.  

Apply for Forbearance Period 

Sometimes, the missed mortgage payment might be due to a lay-off, a medical emergency, or other short-term situations. Prove to your lender that you have a legitimate reason for missing payments. The lender can grant you a temporary suspension of mortgage payments so you can improve your finances without accruing more debt. If you agree with your lender, this can be a significant victory.  

Deed in Lieu 

You voluntarily sign over the deed and transfer an ownership interest in the property to satisfy the unpaid mortgage debt and avoid a public auction. Your lender might still hold you liable if the new owner misses the payment. 

Bankruptcy Filing 

Filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can temporarily pause the foreclosure process in specific appropriate scenarios. Avoid this step if your finances are in order, as it can significantly impact your credit. 

If any of the above options seem viable given your circumstances, contact housing counselors to discuss thoroughly and vet alternatives before letting the home foreclose. However, selling might be necessary and an ideal path forward.

How to Sell Your Home Before Foreclosure in Connecticut  

If you have decided to sell to avoid foreclosure, you must get the right help. You might rush through the process and make a wrong decision. 

When the first default notice arrives, initiate the sales process immediately rather than wasting precious time. Do your research and find experienced real estate agents with proven track records selling pre-foreclosure properties. They can guide you through any obstacles you may face during the process. 

Gather all prerequisite financial documents needed for short sale approval submissions, such as recent bank statements. To boost the home’s appeal, make minor repairs, execute cosmetic improvements, and thoroughly clean the property. 

Marketing is critical, so utilize all channels like MLS listings, social media campaigns, open house events, yard signs, etc. With an experienced agent guiding the sales process, necessary documents in hand, and exhaustive marketing efforts, the chances significantly improve for a successful short sale on the pre-foreclosure property. You can follow these guidelines to improve your chances of selling your home before the foreclosure auction.

Notify Your Lender 

You do not need permission from the bank to sell the property, but it exhibits good faith when you alert them. Inform them early about your intent to sell and secure a buyer. 

Consult Real Estate Professionals 

Professionals familiar with pre-foreclosure property sales can best advise you on maximizing value. Our team at NeighborJoe is ready to assist you with your selling needs. We buy your house in cash and sell your house as it is. Let us streamline the process to avoid foreclosing your house.  

Use every possible marketing channel to maximize your chance of sales. Ask your agent for MLS listings, run social media campaigns, hold open house events, and post yard signs. Take good pictures of your property and present the property well.

Consider Short Sales 

A short sale may seem like a terrible idea, but it means you are rid of future mortgage payments. Lenders may agree to a short sale even if you owe more than it’s currently worth. It is a better option for them as it cuts the expense and time of the lengthy foreclosure auction. 

Before attempting to short sale, research individual lender policies in detail. Find out their approval process and track record of approving short sales. This detailed knowledge can help you avoid the risk of swift denials. 

Act Quickly 

Your quick action is essential to avoid foreclosure. Ask your agent to list the property and use your network and social circle to find potential buyers. If you receive offers, act quickly, as lengthy negotiations can cause the buyer to lose interest. Don’t dismiss or reject the offers you have. You may think that waiting for a higher price is a better idea, but the closer the foreclosure date approaches, the more rushed the selling process will be.

Following these best practices gives you a high chance of successfully selling your home before foreclosure. You must act decisively and get any help you can. 

Losing your treasured home and falling into foreclosure creates devastating financial and emotional consequences. However, selling before Connecticut’s public foreclosure auction protects you from the worst outcomes. Proper planning, trusted guidance, and support from our agency can help you navigate this difficult time.

We at NeighborJoe specialize in buying troubled property in cash. Say goodbye to the headache of a problem property. If you are looking for a cash buyer for your houses in foreclosure, contact us today for the best deal.

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