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Selling Your Connecticut House Before Foreclosure

Facing potential foreclosure on your Connecticut home creates immense stress and uncertainty. The situation can feel dire between mounting financial strains, constant lender calls, damaged credit, possibly losing your house, or even homelessness. However, even after foreclosure proceedings commence, some alternatives can be lifesavers. One such solution is to sell your property before foreclosure. This … Continued

Selling Your Haunted House in Connecticut – Complete Guide

A small rumor or urban legend can affect the sale of your house. The rumors of a haunted house can discourage potential buyers from purchasing your home. It also negatively impacts the sale price of the house. Here are some things you should know while selling your haunted house in Connecticut. What the Law Says … Continued
a house that is in connecticut after it rained

Transform Your Troublesome Rental Property into Cash in Connecticut

Rental properties are a golden goose for generating passive income. However, you may find yourself saddled with a lemon that’s more trouble than it’s worth. When burdened with problematic tenants, endless repairs, and unfilled vacancies, these properties drain your finances and sanity. Here’s how to transform your troublesome rental property in CT into cash.  Challenges … Continued
condo complex in connecticut

Selling Your Connecticut Condo – Important Steps to Follow

Selling a condo isn’t as easy as pie compared to offloading a house. Condos usually have a HOA that dictates the selling criteria for owners. Before selling your Connecticut condos, you must know the steps for a smooth sale. We have outlined the steps here. Understand the Condo Association Rules and Regulations Before you start … Continued
a house in connecticut being ready to sell

Selling Your Connecticut Foreclosed Home in 2024 – Ultimate Guide

Facing the threat of losing your most valuable asset can leave you between a rock and a hard place. The potential long-term implications on your credit and financial well-being due to foreclosure can make you feel helpless about the next steps. However, you must understand that foreclosure is not inevitable. The proper knowledge can help … Continued
a rock home in connecticut being sold

Forbearance Ending – How to Sell Your CT Home and Avoid Foreclosure

Forbearance allows you to pause or reduce your monthly mortgage payments for a period. It provides much-needed financial relief during a highly challenging situation. However, that temporary lifeline can’t last forever. Once forbearance ends, you will need to have a plan for how to resume making your full mortgage payments on time each month. If … Continued