Avoid Foreclosure in Connecticut: Quick Sale Options Explained

White two story house

Every year, millions of homeowners lose their homes due to foreclosure. Foreclosure can feel like the end of the road with no way out, but with the proper guidance, you can exit this challenging situation with your equity, credit, and dignity intact. If you cannot continue making your mortgage payment, your quick action could make […]

Forbearance Ending – How to Sell Your CT Home and Avoid Foreclosure

Tan house for sale

Forbearance allows you to pause or reduce your monthly mortgage payments for a period. It provides much-needed financial relief during a highly challenging situation. However, that temporary lifeline can’t last forever. Once forbearance ends, you will need to have a plan for how to resume making your full mortgage payments on time each month. If […]

Selling Your Connecticut House Before Foreclosure

Foreclosure house for sale sign with a home in the background

Facing potential foreclosure on your Connecticut home creates immense stress and uncertainty. The situation can feel dire between mounting financial strains, constant lender calls, damaged credit, possibly losing your house, or even homelessness. However, even after foreclosure proceedings commence, some alternatives can be lifesavers. One such solution is to sell your property before foreclosure. This […]